Monday, December 22, 2008

Thursday, December 18, 2008


It is cold. It is icy. It is a NO SCHOOL day!

This morning I got another phone call from our school librarian at 5:20AM. He indicated that we would have yet another late start. This has become routine this week and Richard is quite fed up with the process, but what's a teacher to do? Phone rings, light comes on, a few words are exchanged, hang up, dial the next person, exchange the information, hang up, alarm off, light off and back to bed. That's how it should happen but this morning I missed the final step. I couldn't get back to sleep. After watching the news for a few hours, school all around were closing down for the day. I decided to wait until the last minute to leave for school...after all is was Pajama Day! At 8:50, I got another phone call. (See above for the process) School has been cancelled for the day. I am all about the late start, but a day off does not satisfy me nearly as much. Somehow I will make it through the day...bundled up, indoors, by the fire.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Deep Freeze

Call it a deep freeze or arctic blast...either way, it's cold and icy. Today is day three of "late start" at school. This means I have to be to school at 10:40 and students arrive at 11:10. Lunch is at 11:20 then recess. You do the math. Not too much teaching time the last few days! I did go out to "short" recess yesterday. It wasn't snowing, just down right cold and icy. I opted to be the pitcher for kickball. I figured I couldn't hurt myself too much in that position. By the time recess was over I was ready to go inside. The kids of course aren't nearly as phased by freezing temperatures and could have stayed out longer. Since we don't get much snow in Washington, it is always exctiting for them and they soak it all in...literally. Today's forcast calls for more snow. Many schools are already cancelled. This crazy schedule is even more crazy since Friday is our last day before Winter Break. We are scrambling to practice our 1st grade program (which is tomorrow night if weather permits), finishing family holiday gifts, making gingerbread houses, and all the other holiday fluff. Not too mention academics sprinkled in here and there! Brrr......

Saturday, December 13, 2008

99 Things: I've done the ones that are bold. WOW!

1. Started your own blog 2. Slept under the stars 3. Played in a band 4. Visited Hawaii 5. Watched a meteor shower 6. Given more than you can afford to charity 7. Been to Disneyland 8. Climbed a mountain 9. Held a praying mantis 10. Sang a solo 11. Bungee jumped 12. Visited Paris 13. Watched a lightning storm at sea 14. Taught yourself an art from scratch 15. Adopted a child 16. Had food poisoning 17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty 18. Grown your own vegetables 19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France 20. Slept on an overnight train 21. Had a pillow fight 22. Hitch hiked 23. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill 24. Built a snow fort 25. Held a lamb 26. Gone skinny dipping 27. Run a Marathon 28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice 29. Seen a total eclipse 30. Watched a sunrise or sunset 31. Hit a home run 32. Been on a cruise 33. Seen Niagara Falls in person 34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors 35. Seen an Amish community 36. Taught yourself a new language 37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied 38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person 39. Gone rock climbing 40. Seen Michelangelo’s David 41. Sung karaoke 42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt 43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant 44. Visited Africa 45. Walked on a beach by moonlight 46. Been transported in an ambulance 47. Had your portrait painted 48. Gone deep sea fishing- 49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person 50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris 51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling 52. Kissed in the rain 53. Played in the mud 54. Gone to a drive-in theater 55. Been in a movie- 56. Visited the Great Wall of China 57. Started a business 58. Taken a martial arts class 59. Visited Russia 60. Served at a soup kitchen 61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies 62. Gone whale watching 63. Got flowers for no reason 64. Donated blood, platelets or plasma 65. Gone sky diving 66. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp 67. Bounced a check 68. Flown in a helicopter 69. Saved a favorite childhood toy 70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial 71. Eaten Caviar 72. Pieced a quilt 73. Stood in Times Square 74. Toured the Everglades 75. Been fired from a job 76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London 77. Broken a bone 78. Been on a speeding motorcycle 79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person 80. Published a book 81. Visited the Vatican 82. Bought a brand new car 83. Walked in Jerusalem 84. Had your picture in the newspaper 85. Read the entire Bible 86. Visited the White House 87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating 88. Had chickenpox 89. Saved someone’s life 90. Sat on a jury 91. Met someone famous 92. Joined a book club 93. Lost a loved one 94. Had a baby 95. Seen the Alamo in person 96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake 97. Been involved in a law suit 98. Owned a cell phone 99. Been stung by a bee

Saturday, December 6, 2008

December Catch Up

It is been quite some time since I have posted. This has been on purpose. I know there are other things that are more important and I am attempting to stay focused on those items. Blogging got the best of me this morning and I thought equally important is sharing those "things" I have been busy doing and working on.

For Halloween (I know BIG priority!) our first floor staff at school dressed up as Super Mario Brother characters. I made hats for Mario, Luigi (that was me!) and Wario. They turned out great and the day was very fun.

In November, I started teaching again. I had a student teacher and she taught full time in October. I was anxious to be back in my classroom and ADORE my class more than ever. Our school also held conferences in November. This meant 3-half days of school and meeting with families in the afternoon and evening. It is always hectic getting ready, but well worth the time you have to visit with families.

I also met a few times with my cohort for National Boards in November. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think about National Boards and what I should be accomplishing. This process has taken much of my time and is my highest priority right now. I am reading A LOT, taking notes (something I didn't really do in college or my master's program), writing, and brainstorming constantly. When should I do this? how about this lesson? will this fit here? what do they want to see? is this right? The weekends are filled with more questions and filling my head with hopefully the right knowledge to move ahead. This process will hopefully be completed by the end of June. That's not too far it?!

Jason, a good friend of ours, called the first part of November to ask if we were coming to eat turkey with his family. So, went to Indianola for Thanksgiving. Our "adopted" mom and dad live there. They were anxious to have us over again this year. We stayed for the day and then drove home late that evening. As usual, we had a great time and had an excellent dinner (and lunch and dessert).

On the 29th, we went to a Brandi Carlile concert in Seattle. We had dinner with friends prior to the concert and then went to Benaroya Hall. The Seattle Symphony was a part of this concert which was a great combination! On the 30th, Richard turned 34. It was a pretty low key celebration. He worked in Tacoma that day and I worked on National Boards. That night I made dinner and we enjoyed a quiet evening together.

The beginning of December is here and before I know it, it will be Christmas! On Tuesday night, I hosted our Bunco Holiday Party! There were 12 ladies from our neighborhood in attendance. We had a potluck dinner and then had an ornament exchange. It was fun. Today and tomorrow will be spent reading a few books I just received for National Boards. Richard has work to do in Tacoma.

I have two weeks left of teaching before Winter Break! I can't believe it. My mom and dad are coming to Washington from South Dakota for Christmas. We are anxious to show them around again. This time they will get to see our new house, my classroom! (I had just graduated with my teaching degree the last time they were here), some fun little towns here and there, and of course we will make it to Seattle for some sightseeing. I can't wait!

Sunday, October 19, 2008


Balloon Launch in Mara's honor

Nearly a month has gone by. My last post was the day Mara Adams passed away. Since then, Mara has been on my mind often. Just yesterday, our school had a balloon launch in her honor. It was amazing. Since Mara's passing, my class has been honoring her in the way they know how...impressive for 6 and 7 year olds. We have created a "shrine" on her table in our classroom. Tissue paper flowers in a giant vase sit upon the top with butterfly messages scattered about. The legs of the tables are wrapped in vines because they thought it should look like it was in a garden. The process has been healing and students add objects and notes daily. They also look at the projects that Mara worked on while in class. Eventually those will be compiled and given to her family but for now we are treasuring them.
I am continuing to work on my National Boards. It is mind boggling and confusing all at once. I think I have something going on and then I doubt myself. The expectations are clear, but with no examples or particular writing guidelines it is daunting. My goal everyday is to do something in regards to National Boards...somedays it is more than others.
Richard is off work for a few weeks. He plans to work on houses and apartments. I am sure the days will scoot by faster than he would like, but it's nice to have an opportunity to take time off.

Monday, September 22, 2008


I am at a loss for words. Mara Adams passed away this morning. I am not quite sure how I made it through the day at school, but I did. Mara was in class on Friday. Weak, but alert and gave us her half grin we can thrive on for days. Today was a somber day around school and I am sure there will be a roller coaster of emotions running through everyone as the days pass. I can't begin to think about removing her belongings from my classroom, but know the day will come. On her table today was a self portrait she had been working on for Open House. I couldn't move it. Mara and her family has touched so many lives. I am deeply saddened by the news and hope to find some strength in knowing she fought for as long as she could and as hard as anyone could possibly imagine.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


On Tuesday night, four teachers ventured to Seattle to see Phantom of the Opera. Maggie and I recieved tickets from the Adam's family. Of course this meant we had to wear our Mara shirts and take photos! See below. (Maggie is on the left, she teaches K at our school and that's me on the right.)

Mara is constantly on our minds and in our thoughts. She is making it to class almost daily, but only for about an hour. She tires quickly, but I am thrilled each time she is able to be part of class. For updates check out her website: I adore my job and Mara has taught our class about compassion, perserverance, love, hope, being grateful for the little things in life, acceptance, etc...the list goes on and on. Thank you, Mara, for teaching us.

Monday, September 15, 2008

9.15.08 Life is Busy

Since school has started, I have found myself wanting more down time. Go figure! Quite the opposite has occured. Mornings are now filled with list making while driving to work,(Usually I can't remember my list by the time I get to school.), getting children settled in the classroom even if they have forgotten their lunch and refuse to eat school lunch, finding my planbook open with no plan and listening to 25 stories about what happened the night before....Still, I wouldn't change a thing!

In other news....Richard and I traveled to South Dakota this past weekend for my brother's wedding. It was a great event with great memories. (I am exhausted from the trip and excited that bedtime has arrived!) Aric and Janean looked fabulous and the ceremony went smoothly. We danced the night away at the reception and they opened gifts on Sunday. It was a BUSY weekend with barely enough time to catch our breath! I went back to school this morning feeling both energized (wanting to see my class) and exhausted (from the travel and a cold). Life is busy, but good.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

9.3.08 First Day of School! I am one tuckered out teacher!

Today was the first day of school. I am teaching a split class; 14 second graders and 11 first graders. As usual, the school was bustling way too early! Families were in the door well before opening which makes it difficult for teachers (like me) who get new students enrolled minutes before school starts! Thankfully, I have a student teacher and she was able to prep the materials for us. I know, I know, I don't think I am old enough to have a student teacher, but I am! Anyway, today I had second graders all day and met for an hour with first grade parents. Rather hectic. My second graders were giddy with excitement ALL day long. They could not wipe the smiles off their faces. Adorable, really! My first graders came in and unpacked their supplies and if I would have let them, they would have stayed. Tonight I am exhausted and even after a long day, realize once again that I LOVE my job. It was great to be back in the "game" again!

A few of my favorite moments of the day were:

  • Toothy grins as kids settle in their desk

  • The joy of opening new boxes of crayons and kids coloring so carefully so they don't break

  • Mara Adams feeling well enough today to find her first grade desk (

  • Students from last year crashing into me with giant, everlasting hugs...ahhhh

  • Max coming to visit, "just to see how my class is this year" (he is now in third grade)

  • Coming home to a quiet house

Sunday, August 17, 2008


No news is good news, right?! I don't have much to report. I have spent the last few days dog/house/cat sitting for some friends. It is nice to be away from the house, but hard at the same time. I have ONE week before school business officially starts. Way too soon. (Even though I am pretty excited deep down!)

Friday night we went to a Brandi Carlile concert at the Tractor Tavern in Ballard. We have not been there in a LONG time. In fact, the last time we were there it was for a Brandi concert. Good times.

Yesterday we went to a play called, "You're a good man Charlie Brown." My good friend Terry is in the play. It was great! Even though I found myself looking away so I didn't make eye contact with him. I don't know why. Maybe too many Easter bunnies and clowns in grocery stores as a kid. Who knows. Last night we went to another concert...this time in a park. Brandi Carlile was the headliner. Again, it was fun and we got to see friends that we have not seen in quite some time.

Today we went to Richard's company picnic. It turned out to be only 15 mintues away from where we are house sitting. We waded out in the water to cool us from the heat and humidity.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Summer Days Drifting Away

Summer is winding down. I have had an amazing few months and don't want it to end!

I am officially done with my Master's class. It was a long, sometimes difficult 22 months, but worth it. It will be strange to not have to go to class an entire weekend out of the month. I think I will get used to it pretty quickly. My cohort consisted of 24 teachers and I couldn't ask for a better group. We plan to meet up in the future and enjoy each other's company rather than academics. My group completed our thesis project and were able to turn it in early. We started working on this project in May and thanks to their hard work while I was in France, we were able to complete it in a timely manner. (If you call 3 months timely) So, on July 27th I graduated with my Master's degree in Education! I can now sign my name: April Jean Jackson, M.Ed. Pretty exciting, really.

Master's thesis project...DONE! This is us "acting" exhausted.

As part of our celebration we went to a cabin on a lake near Tacoma, WA. We spent two days out on the boat, relaxing on the dock, playing cards, eating, drinking, laughing, and just spending time with each other. It was SO fun and SO relaxing!

Terry and I in our Lesley University Tshirts we designed for our cohort.

The same weekend I graduated, I was also in a wedding. It was pretty tricky doing both, but thanks to a flexible instructor I was able to attend the wedding. Melissa (the bride) is a teacher and I was very honored to be a part of her big day.

So now what? Well, I have started my National Boards.
"The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards improves teaching and student learning. National Board Certified Teachers are highly accomplished educators who meet high and rigorous standards. Like board-certified doctors and accountants, teachers who achieve National Board Certification have met rigorous standards through intensive study, expert evaluation, self-assessment and peer review. NBPTS offers 25 certificates that cover a variety of subject areas and student developmental levels."
This process includes documenting evidence, video taping myself teach (yipes), writing, evaluating my teaching, submitting a portfolio of this evidence in March and finally taking a test in June. It will be another challenging year for me. This past week I attended a conference to help get started with the process. While it was overwhelming, I think it was informative and vital to getting started on the right foot.

I have a few weeks left of summer and don't have too much planned. We will be camping at the Kite Festival in Long Beach, WA in a few weeks. We also have a concert to attend next weekend. I have meetings at school starting the last week in August.

Thursday, July 24, 2008


I am back from France! I had an AMAZING time with AMAZING people. Maggie and I had a fabulous time, cooking, relaxing, chatting, etc. I feel so fortunate to have had such a great opportunity presented to me. Flattering, really.

I am currently working on my Master's project that is due this weekend. I will share more France details next week. However, I did want to post a few pictures from my trip. Hopefully, I will be able to get more out next week when life slows down!

Who says you can't get 7 people in a compact car? (It was a short ride)

'08 Road Trip to D Day Beaches (these are the folk I traveled with that day)

American Cemetary

German Cemetary

Honfleur, France (this is the town where we stayed) We spent a ton of time in the harbor. Great shops, food, and even street dances!

Monet's famous "lily pond" (and me!)

Friday, June 6, 2008

Hostas, Master's, Collage, Cell Phone, Glass Museum, National Boards, House, Wyoming, South Dakota, Rain, Hawaiian Day, June, Mowing, France

The past few weeks have been busy. Go figure.

Over Memorial Day weekend, I flew to SD to attend my cousins highschool graduation party in Casper, Wyoming. My parents and I drove to Casper together. Family road trip 2008. It really had it all: rest area pit stops, wind (always windy in WY), gas station snacks, music, magazines and photo stops at the SD and WY border. It was a good time.

After that adventure, I prepared for another Master's weekend. I had a few assignments still hanging over my head. (P.S. Mom and Dad assisted with one of the assignments while I was in SD; team effort to decorate bubble bottles). Finally, by Friday afternoon I was ready to go to class on Friday night. It was a long weekend, but had a blast with friends. One of our creations is pictured below. My friend and I cut 1/2" squares of textures from magazines to create a masterpiece we titled, Love Holds You. We started and finished it during the weekend (while we were in class. we are multitaskers) and presented it to Tricia (the lovely gal in the photo).

This week has been full of meetings, projects, just something going on every night. Tonight (6/6) we were able to meet up with some friends for dinner. Really, it was the only night available. Tomorrow I am attending a National Board orientation at PLU. I have offically been accepted to the National Boards program and the orientation tomorrow is just one piece of the puzzle. The university will provide support and guidance throughout the process.

Eight and a half more days of teaching. With all the rain, it doesn't seem like summer yet. Today was "Hawaiian Day" at school and my toes were ice cubes because I chose to wear flip flops. What was I thinking? Afterall, it is June 6th!

Enjoy the photos!

Chair that I stripped and stained to prep for a Master's project
Tricia and the collage we made for her
Front of the "project" house, ahhh I love the white paint
My grandma and I
Mara at the Relay for Life

Friday, May 23, 2008

Relay for Life

Maggie (on the left) and I carried Mara around the track during the Relay for Life. Mara was thrilled to have us carry her. The day of the relay they recieved news that the tumor is stable! It was a remarkable day. (

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

What did you do this weekend?

We painted. And painted. And painted some more. You see, our rainy weather put a damper on our paint job. One side of the house was not quite dry when it started to down pour. Let's just say, we had to repaint that entire side the next day. We are completely done with two coats of the main color. On Sunday, I was able to get two of the window frames painted as well. It looks sooooo good.

In other news....there are only 22 days of school left! It seems very crazy to me. I have never, I repeat, never, stayed in the same building/classroom two years in a row. This year, I am going to do it! Usually by this time I am in limbo of what can get packed and what needs to stay out until the end of the year. Not this year!

We (Richard and I and other teachers at my school) are going to be participating in the Relay for Life this weekend. We are supposed to be having really good weather which pleases me. We are doing it especially to support of Mara. (

Monday, May 5, 2008

Any spare moment...

I am recovering from a Master's weekend. This class is "Art and Culture in the Community." I am officially counting down the classes I have until graduation....3! I am still working on various projects at various times to meet various deadlines and various criteria. At times it is overwhelming, but mostly refreshing that I have almost completed my Master's degree. A Master's degree. Who would have thought?!

After getting out of class on Sunday, I met Richard over at the house we worked on last weekend. Most of it was ready to paint. Richard had been down there a few nights and all day Saturday getting it just right for paint. We chose a paint color one night within 5 minutes. I know, I know, us making a decision that fast? Well, we had been mulling it over for several months and once the paint samples were in front of us, wham, there it actual decision! We were able to borrow a paint sprayer (thanks Cheryl and Mark!) and let's just say I am REALLY good at applying paint! Who would have thought?! Anyway, within minutes an entire side was done and back brushed. It was instant gratification at it's best. We almost finished until we noted that one side, near the top, had not been primed. We have to go back to do that and a second coat which won't take too much time and I will get to have the paint sprayer back in my hands! (thanks again, Cheryl and Mark!)

Below are the pictures I took yesterday! (Before I thought I locked my keys in the Jeep, but that's another story!) See the previous blog for the "before" pictures.

Monday, April 28, 2008


Talk about a whirl wind weekend! Friday night I worked on my final, final Master's project. It was a late night, but Terry and I plowed through. Team Domination! On Saturday, we met some friends to work on one of our properties. The exterior needs painting and we went to prime, caulk, nail, scrape. Not in that order. It ended up almost all "primer white." Richard and I will spray it sometime this week...hopefully. The weather was great on Saturday and now we need to have that same weather to spray. On Sunday, I worked on my paper that was due today (got it done before lunch today!). Maggie and I also went to a meeting with the France kids. I got really excited! Even though the weekend was exhausting, it was really productive. Now I have a few days to gather my thoughts for class on Friday night! Whirl wind.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Love that "Job"

I have always said, "I teach for the entertainment." I have to say, much of my day I am entertained with personalities and lightbulb moments. To me, teaching doesn't seem like a "job" it's just what I do.

The past few days I have had a few "teacher moments" which other teachers really get. Yesterday, a student read a book to me and then I asked him to choose a friend to read it with as well. He is in resource room and has difficulty with simple words. He selected a student to read his book to; a student that is an exceptional in all areas. Now, the best part is how they interacted. The higher student accepted the lower student's abililties and assisted in reading the book in such a kind, gentle manner. Amazing. As I watched them together it took all I had to fight the tears from welling up. A magical moment in my eyes. Yet another reason I love being in a classroom. I shared this moment with the kind, gentle student's mom today. She was thrilled. Overwhelmed. Wanting to freeze time. Truly amazing parents that are raising an amazing child.
Believe me when I say this is just ONE of the many moments I have the opportunity to be a part of each day.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Shake, Shake! 4 Master Marathon Months Left!

Today marks the end of another Master's weekend marathon! Four class gatherings left (May, May, June and July). The past two months the course has been Music. I was dreading this class the most, but it actually turned out to be super fun and relevant to my classroom. One of our assignments was to create a musical instrument. Last week, I spent some time creating maracas using a lightbulb as a form. It started out just fine until I realized I could buy a plastic pear, drill a hole and fill. But no, I kept going. Once the plaster of paris was dry, I added the brown color using a paper napkin. It started out just fine until I realized it looked like a potato.(first picture) But, I kept going. Finally, I added the design. (second picture) Now, it just looks like a half painted potato. But, if you shake it, it doesn't sound like a potato, it sounds like a maraca! It was quite the process and the end result was another completed assignment!
This upcoming week is Spring Break. I have plans to work on my final Master's project. Even though it is not due until the end of July, I will be gone for 3 weeks in between classes. Might as well continue the Master's marathon!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sunday Haps

The last few days have been refreshing. I am feeling so much better and haven't had any trouble with my side pain. Of course I am still cautious of what and how much I am eating, but I am optimistic about the surgery results.

Today Richard worked at the apartments in Parkland. He was there yesterday as well. I stayed home and did yet more relaxing and recovering. Today I was up and about much more than yesterday. I went for a short walk and made dinner tonight.

This afternoon my mom shared some pictures with me. I can't wait to show Richard! They are old photos of my grandparents in their younger years, family and friends. She sent them to me without captions and I recognized several out of the 80 she sent. It is always fun to take a trip down memory lane. My mom had some fun stories to share like her dog Skipper riding ON the top of the truck rather than inside, riding her horses, and the outfits in themselves tell the story of fashion! Below is one of my favorites. My mom is on the right. Adorable!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

March Snow!

Last night we were surprised to see this white stuff fall from the sky! About 5 o'clock last night, heavy, wet flakes were falling and by the time I went to bed our backyard looked like this. Crazy! Schools started 2 hours late because of the icy roads. There have been several accidents and a fatal accident on HWY 18, the route I would normaly take to school.

A friend is coming over tonight (weather permitting) to visit and bring me dinner. I am anxious to see her as she is subbing in my class while I am recovering. I am sure she has some good stories!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


My surgery on Friday went well. Everyone was super nice and took excellent care of me. We were home Friday afternoon around 2pm. The most difficult tasks are getting up from the couch and sitting down, moving up and down the stairs and laying completely down in bed. Each of these has gotten easier as the days and hours pass.

I have enjoyed several tasty snacks with my pain pills every 4 hours. My stomach has grumbled for food, but it doesn't take much to quiet it down. I have had my share of bananas, trail mix and ice cream. Recently, I mixed a spoonful of peanut butter into my ice cream and it was quite delightful.

More unexpected naps and resting is in the forecast. In my world, naps just happen.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Surgery T-I-M-E

Tomorrow I go in for my gall bladder surgery. At this point, I have to admit I am a tad nervous. While driving home from school, I realized that I will be gone for 3 whole weeks! This is not new news, but I think I realized how much I will miss out on at school. My surgery is at 10 and we hope to be rolling by 1pm. I have a few things lined up for while I am recovering, but mostly have healing on my mind. Like Richard reminded me, I have been dealing with this for 9 years and two weeks out of school is nothing compared to the amount of thought I have given this over the years. I am mostly grossed out when I think about the cuts and having to actually see the tape on the eensy weensy incisions. Dumb. As I stop eating and drinking until after the surgery, I look at the most humongous balloon I have ever received and the bright flowers I got from one of my second grade students, I am anxious for the morning! I am not kidding, the balloon is huge!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Half Time

Mid Winter Break is half over. Yipes!

Yesterday I spent some time in Tacoma painting the interior of the house I posted about Tuesday. A little cleaning and some paint does wonders to thrashed trim and walls. Instant gratification!

Today's agenda includes activities much different than down and dirty painting. I am meeting a friend and a few of her family members for brunch. Then we are going to meet baby Jack (a mutual friend had a baby a few weeks ago). Finally, I am going wedding dress shopping with a friend! She is getting married in July and is ready to venture out to look at dresses. Good times!

Tomorrow I have a meeting for RELAY for LIFE. I am a co-captain for "Mara's Team". Mara is a student at Arthur Jacobsen with a brain stem glioma, which is a brain tumor in the brain stem. She is an AMAZING little girl with an AMAZING amount of spirit for life! Check out her website at:

Lastly, it is quite nice to enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning before I have to really "get going." Today's coffee break was sponsored by Amy and Travis! They brought us whole bean coffee from Hawaii. Much better than yesterday's Albertson's brand! Thinking of you as I indulge in the fresh ground coffee!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Ahhhh.....this is where our time goes!

Ahhhh.....this is where our time goes! This past Saturday we worked all day at this house. We have spent much of our time hauling out garbage....and we aren't talking a few bags. We estimate about 10,000 pounds of garbage! The house was full, the yard was full, garbage and stuff everywhere! Anyway, we are now on the more fun part of this project. (I call painting, repairing, cleaning, etc. "fun" after hauling out some very heavy and sometimes nasty garbage.) I will continue to search for our "before" photos to show you how much we really have accomplished.
There is a claw foot tub, an unusable toilet and I'm not sure about the sink. Pretty much a blank slate at this point.

Bedroom #1

We took out all the hardwood flooring in this room. Some of it had water damage. We are going to use what we took out to repair some damaged spots in the living room and dining room area. This was a DIRTY and tedeous job.

Dining Room

As you can see there are some areas on the floor that need to be replaced. We are going for the "rustic" and "character" look when we are done. We will replace some of the flooring and then stain the entire floor with a darker stain.

Living Room

This room isn't too bad. Again, we will replace any flooring that needs to be and then stain it a dark color.

Sunday, February 10, 2008


Last night I had dinner with four others from my Master's class. We dined in Mill Creek, WA at Azul's. Both food and drinks were tasty. Of course the company was spectacular, too! Last month we did the same thing, dinner, conversation and then dessert at Cold Stone Creamery. I had the same dinner as last month: a salmon BLT sandwich. Now, I was hesitant last month, but did not even have to THINK about what I wanted this time. It is a delicious sandwich.

Today we are headed to work on one of the properties. Our plan is to tear out some wood flooring in two bedrooms. There has been water damage, so it needs to come out. We are going to use the wood we tear out to repair the wood floors in the dining room and living room. With my striped long underwear on, pocket warmers ready to go, and a cup of coffee, I am ready to go! (Well, kinda!)

Thursday, February 7, 2008

February Happenings

Let me break it down....
  • Spent a week on crutches because of my sprained ankle (see previous posting for details). It was difficult getting around my classroom, but my kids were super helpful. I am still very cautious of my ankle and I am still experiences pain when it moves the wrong way.
  • Another Master's class is DONE! I still have a paper to write, but another weekend of meeting is DONE! Graduation is getting closer!
  • I am shocked that the school year is half over...this week I got out our second reading book (2 of 2). This means we are getting closer to the end of the school year. Keep in mind we still have two, week long breaks ahead of us. Yes! I am not too anxious as I have an AMAZING class this year.
  • In July, in between my Master's classes, I am going to FRANCE! I am going for 2 1/2 weeks with a teacher from my school. We call each other "sis" because we are very much alike. She laughs since she has a son my age. Anyway, her flattering offer for me to join her, her husband and a group of college students caught me off guard. I am SO excited!
  • My gall bladder surgery is scheduled for March. Looking forward to some relief.
  • All next week we will be movin' and groovin' with the dance dude at school. Friday night will be our first school dance. Should be a blast!


Sunday, January 13, 2008

Sprain Pain

Ridiculous. Yesterday, Richard and I were on our way out the door and let's just say I barely made it out! Here's how the sprain pain came about... Richard went out to the car and I was getting my shoes on and going to lock the door. I stepped out the doorway on my left foot, started to pivot to lock the door from the outside and wham! Snap, crackle, pop! I was down on the ground with a hurting ankle. I was able to gather my almost-passed-out self enough to get Richard's attention. He came and helped me get back inside. I was still feeling very woozy but eventually crawled to the couch to apply ice and elevate my ankle. After much contemplation, I decided I better have it checked out at Urgent Care. An hour and a half later, the prognosis is a 2-3 degree sprain. I recieved a brace, crutches, pain relief and a hard time from Richard. I should be completely healed in a short 6 weeks. Yesterday and today I have spent much more time on the couch and in bed than I have in a VERY long time. It is difficult to be this helpless. My pocket on my sweatshirt comes in very handy when I need to carry items from point A to point B. The crutches provide much relief to my ankle, but can be clumbersome and really work your arm muscles! Hopefully, I will be off of them by the end of the week. Argghh..... this is ridiculous!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Tuckered Out

Another weekend of my Master's class is done. This month and next month the class is "Creative Movement." It was an action packed weekend since class was held every minute it was scheduled. Friday night:5-10PM, Saturday: 8AM-5PM, Sunday:8AM-5:05PM. Whew! In addition, all last week I was finishing up a final project for my last class. I mailed that off on my was to Friday night's class. Whew!

I am back in the game at school. It was great to see my class again. It was FABULOUS to go back to a classroom that has carpet! So delightful. We had to move quite a bit in order for them to lay the carpet and I am still sorting through boxes now. I think it is harder to get it put away than it was to pack it up. The room is much quieter and the kids are happy that their bums don't get cold during calendar and read aloud. Life is good.