Friday, May 23, 2008

Relay for Life

Maggie (on the left) and I carried Mara around the track during the Relay for Life. Mara was thrilled to have us carry her. The day of the relay they recieved news that the tumor is stable! It was a remarkable day. (

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

What did you do this weekend?

We painted. And painted. And painted some more. You see, our rainy weather put a damper on our paint job. One side of the house was not quite dry when it started to down pour. Let's just say, we had to repaint that entire side the next day. We are completely done with two coats of the main color. On Sunday, I was able to get two of the window frames painted as well. It looks sooooo good.

In other news....there are only 22 days of school left! It seems very crazy to me. I have never, I repeat, never, stayed in the same building/classroom two years in a row. This year, I am going to do it! Usually by this time I am in limbo of what can get packed and what needs to stay out until the end of the year. Not this year!

We (Richard and I and other teachers at my school) are going to be participating in the Relay for Life this weekend. We are supposed to be having really good weather which pleases me. We are doing it especially to support of Mara. (

Monday, May 5, 2008

Any spare moment...

I am recovering from a Master's weekend. This class is "Art and Culture in the Community." I am officially counting down the classes I have until graduation....3! I am still working on various projects at various times to meet various deadlines and various criteria. At times it is overwhelming, but mostly refreshing that I have almost completed my Master's degree. A Master's degree. Who would have thought?!

After getting out of class on Sunday, I met Richard over at the house we worked on last weekend. Most of it was ready to paint. Richard had been down there a few nights and all day Saturday getting it just right for paint. We chose a paint color one night within 5 minutes. I know, I know, us making a decision that fast? Well, we had been mulling it over for several months and once the paint samples were in front of us, wham, there it actual decision! We were able to borrow a paint sprayer (thanks Cheryl and Mark!) and let's just say I am REALLY good at applying paint! Who would have thought?! Anyway, within minutes an entire side was done and back brushed. It was instant gratification at it's best. We almost finished until we noted that one side, near the top, had not been primed. We have to go back to do that and a second coat which won't take too much time and I will get to have the paint sprayer back in my hands! (thanks again, Cheryl and Mark!)

Below are the pictures I took yesterday! (Before I thought I locked my keys in the Jeep, but that's another story!) See the previous blog for the "before" pictures.